Kenora is perched on the Lake of the Woods which is one of the most sought after lakes in Canada for recreational enjoyment. Seeing Lake of the Woods and its 14,542 islands by boat is a unique experience.
Boaters Code
Be a respectful boater. Review our guidelines for safe boating:
Respectful boating guidelines on our waterways
- I will respect other vessels on our waterways.
- I will be aware of and obey all laws and regulations governing operation of my boat.
- I will remember that vessels come in all shapes, sizes and abilities. I will use courtesy when approaching others.
- I will minimize my wake impact on shorelines, docks, structures and people by obeying the 10/30 regulation of a 10 km/hr speed when 30 meters from the shoreline.
- I will always steer clear of other boats, swimmers and water activities including wildlife.
- I will set a speed and heading that is safe and comfortable for my passengers and others on the water.
- I will ensure I obey all laws and regulations regarding the operation of my boat including safety equipment, PFDs and ensure I know the obligations when meeting other vessels on the waterways.
- I will carry all equipment necessary to operate my boat safely and within the law.
- I will never consume alcohol in my boat or allow my boat to be operated by anyone who is impaired.
- I will not create excessive noise or operate my boat in a manner that disrupts the peaceful enjoyment of the lake by others.
Contact Us
Your Government
1 Main Street South
Kenora ON P9N3X2
Open 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday
Closed on Holidays.
Phone: 807-467-2000
After Hours: 807-467-2080
Email Us
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