The City of Kenora's by-laws help keep our community safe, beautiful and a desirable place to live, work and play. Review our municipal by-laws and learn how to file a by-law complaint.
Make a complaint
Please contact By-law Enforcement at 807-467-2166 or submit your request for service online, if you would like to make a complaint about a municipal by-law infraction.
You must provide the following information when making a complaint:
- name
- address
- contact information
- description of the by-law infraction
We keep all complaints confidential.
Frequently requested by-laws
View the most frequently requested by-laws for the City of Kenora:
- Business Licensing By-law 80-2006
- Building (Construction, Demolition, and Change of Use Permits and Inspections) By-law 168-2024
- Discharge Fire Arm By-law 148-2010
- Docking and Mooring By-law 49-2016
- Feeding of Wildlife By-law 139-2008 and Amendment 51-2012
- Fence By-law 163-2015
- Illegal Dumping By-law 181-2008
- Keeping of Animals By-law 150-2010 and Amendment 165-2024
- Motorized Snow Vehicles By-law 141-2011
- Noise By-law 122-2021
- Off Road Vehicles By-law 177-2020
- Open Air Burning By-law 71-2016
- Parking and Traffic By-law 38-2024
- Parking Lots and Structures 169-2024
- Parks By-law 34-2015 and 53-2017
- Property Standards By-law 077-2017
- Signs By-law 115-2010
- Tariff of Fees and Charges 164-2024
- Yard Maintenance By-law 49-2017
- Zoning By-law 101-2015
By-law directories
2025 By-laws
2024 By-laws
2000 to 2023 By-laws
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