If you are looking for work, why not choose Kenora! There are a variety of resources available when searching for employment training and job opportunities in Kenora. Our labour force consists of a diverse number of workers with health care and retail trade being the major employers.
Jobs with the City
The City of Kenora employs approximately 243 full-time and part-time employees.
Check the current job postings
including truck drivers, labourers, plant operators, clerks, accounting assistants, lifeguards, mechanics, and customer services representatives to name only a few.
Job listings
Check out these job listings to find other employment opportunities in the area:
- Lake of the Woods Employment Action Project (LEAP)
- Government of Canada Job Bank
- Kenora Miner & News
- Kenora Online
Education and training
Consider education and training opportunities to improve your skill set to help you find a job. There are a variety of education and training opportunities in Kenora.
Employment resources
View these resources to access additional employment support services:
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