The City of Kenora is pursuing a sustainable trash bag solution for use in the Adopt a Block program by trialling a new compostable bag that will reduce the impact of plastic bags in our landfill.
The City is testing a certified compostable bag for the roadside trash Adopt a Block program. A supply of the unbranded compostable bags will be distributed to Volunteers in the Spring as a trial. Our goal is to determine if compostable bags are a viable option to replace the current plastic bags. If the trial has a positive outcome, we will deplete our current supply of City-branded bags and replace them with the compostable option.
The certified compostable bags are made of compostable copolyester and other renewable materials that are environmentally friendly and fully break down compared to plastic bags. The compostable bags are tinted green in an eco-friendly fashion and are lightweight and waterproof.
Adopt a Block is a City-organized community clean-up program that citizens register an area, neighbourhood, or street to clean up throughout the warmer months. The City provides the tools, including collection bags. Bags, once full, are left on the roadside and picked up by City employees for disposal. Many groups and families participate in the Adopt a Block program, taking pride in their community and investing in keeping Kenora beautiful.
For more information on how to get involved, visit our Adopt a Block page or contact the Kenora Transfer Station at 807-467-2980.
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