This summary is a snapshot of the decisions made by City of Kenora Council at the September 20, 2023 meeting. Please review the Minutes for an official record of the meeting proceedings.
Council declared September 30 civic holiday
Council declared September 30, National Day for Truth and Reconciliation as a civic holiday for the City of Kenora. All municipal employees and the community are encouraged to observe the occasion as intended.
Council received rural roads study
Council received the rural roads study and recommendation report by Stantec Consulting Inc. Council directed staff to provide a budget decision report in the 2024 draft capital and /or operating budget review. The budget decision should address options to maintain or increase the service levels for the roads north of the bypass. The rural roads study is included the September 13, 2023 Committee of the Whole Agenda.
Notice of motion for reuse program
A Member of Council brought forward a motion to direct Administration to investigate the Community Reuse Program at the Kenora Transfer Station as soon as possible. Administration will look at the costs and any implications to introducing the program and a report will come back to Council.
Council received department second quarter reports
Council received second quarter reports from departments. The full reports are included the September 13, 2023 Committee of the Whole Agenda.
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