The Kenora Public Library and Keewatin Branch Library have so much to offer! We have plenty of resources in our branches, as well as online resources available to you wherever you may be!
We do our best to stay in tune with the needs of our community. For example, we recognize the natural beauty our area has to offer, so we offer bird watching kits and snowshoes for loan to help you make the most of that beauty!
Our book collection has been curated with all types of readers in mind. We carry children's material targeted at readers of varying levels and abilities. Our teen collection consists of books from modern topics, to historical fiction, to dystopian worlds, as well as graphic novels and manga. The adult fiction collection has been updated to reflect series names and numerical order, while our non-fiction collection stays current and relevant, while maintaining history and timeless information. We offer large print books and audiobooks, and can also help residents register with the Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA) which is a public library service for Canadians with print disabilities. CELA provides immediate access to books, newspapers, and magazines in formats that people with print disabilities can read, such as audio, digital text, and braille.
We truly believe that the Kenora and Keewatin libraries have something here for everyone. If we don't have what you are looking for, let us know! We'd love to help you find what you need!