Browse our Collection
The Kenora and Keewatin libraries have so much to offer! Our collection of resources is constantly evolving! We keep up to date with bestsellers, while maintaining our collection of classics and history. There is something here for everyone.
Stay up to date with what's going on at our libraries or explore our online resources.
If you have a book or author suggestion for our library, we'd love to hear it! You can also browse our collection on our catalogue! From here you can login to your account (you will need your library card number and PIN, which can be provided by staff) to place holds, view your current and past checkouts, and renew your items!
We can't be open 24/7, but that doesn't mean books aren't available to you! eBooks and eAudiobooks are available night and day through Overdrive the Libby app, and Cantook Station app! The Libby app is accessible on any mobile device, or e-reader and the Cantook Station app is available on mobile devices. If you need help getting set up, please let us know!