Urban Deer Management Prevention and Personal Protection
Posted on Tuesday, June 02, 2020 11:00 PM
This time of year the urban deer population grows as fawns are born on municipal property and in your yard. The City of Kenora reminds you to be aware of what you can do to prevent unpleasant experiences with deer and how we can work together to manage the deer population.
All wild animals, including deer, can present a danger to people. We are also seen as a danger to them especially in the spring when female deer or does are protective of their fawns, and when male deer or bucks are aggressive in...
Council Secures Viability of Community Housing
Posted on Monday, January 27, 2020 11:00 PM
Today, following the City’s Strategic Plan focusing on housing for our community, Council authorized the transfer of all assets and liabilities of the Kenora Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation to the Kenora District Services Board (KDSB).
Housing continues to be a priority for this Council not only working with developers to encourage new housing developments, but also the review of the current non-profit housing structure. Over the past year, the City of Kenora and the KDSB have been working...